Sunday, April 17, 2011

What's the question again?

To Be Or Not To Be? That is the question.” Now we see this in three different scenes. The scene that we are the most familiar with is with Mel Gibson. Here when Gibson is giving his speech, he is in the basement of his castle where his father's casket is laying. As he is speaking, he is looking around at all of the different things almost wondering what the after life is like and trying to find clues from these different artifacts.

In another scene of “To Be Or Not To Be” we see Lawrence Olivier. The scene starts out with him, sitting on what looks like a cliff surrounded by water. There is also a lot of fog. The camera shot almost the entire time is just of Olivier talking and not moving from that one position. He also has a knife that he takes out of his pocket and rolls around in his hand.

In the final scene, we see Kenneth Branagh contemplating suicide while looking in a mirror. In fact, the entire room has mirrors. There are people watching him through the other side of the mirror and are trying to understand what he is talking about. This camera shot is also of him looking in the mirror almost the entire time he is making his speech. Branagh also has a knife that he is rolling around in his hand while speaking.

There are some similar things in the three different speeches of “To Be Or Not To Be”. When Olivier and Branagh are speaking, there is mainly only one camera shot on just the actor not moving. The two of them also pull out a knife that they had in their jackets. In all three of the scenes, every actor has a blank stare. It is understandable that they are thinking, and everyone gets that “day dreaming” look on their faces, but these three men almost look crazy. It is also seen that the actors are playing characters that are wealthy. You can tell by the way they are dressed and where they are that they are not some people who wear rags and barely get by.

Now I know that in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Hamlet is depressed with his fathers death, his mothers quick marriage to his uncle, and seeing a ghost and that these reasons make him feel so crazy as to end his life. But just something to think about... Hamlet is royalty and can have anything his heart desires, yet he still is contemplating suicide. So does being wealthy really make you happy? (just a thought, I know it might be completely off topic, but it connects in some way I think)

Friday, March 25, 2011

waht dseo eradign realyl shwo??

Wtah wloud oyu do fi evyertinhg  uyo rdea looedk lkie this? Can you imagine being a young child learning how to read for the very first time, and not knowing what words are really supposed to look like? Millions of people are affected with Dyslexia and deal with it everyday. Dyslexia is a learning disability that can hinder a person’s ability to read, write, spell, and sometimes even speak.

Dyslexia can be caused by a brain injury or it could be hereditary. The problem is when the brain cannot translate images that are seen or heard into understandable language. The language that we speak every day is something that man has always had. Writing language down does not necessarily happen in every culture either. So many people could have this problem and still get along fine in their culture.

Dyslexia hasn’t stopped people from going far in life though. Did you know that some of the greatest thinkers, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison, were dyslexic? You also have the very handsome Orlando Bloom who also suffers from dyslexia. What about F. Scott Fitzgerald? He wrote The Great Gatsby even when he could hardly read any words. Now it makes you think about how these people got this far in life without being able to read, or just barely text.

Growing up in our society, an education is the most important and valuable thing. But what would you do if you could not read any of the projects, book, worksheets, or homework that you are given? Every person is determined to get the best grades they can but how can they do that without understanding words? We are lucky in our time that we have the technology and knowledge about this disability and are learning more and more on how to handle it. What did they do though, in Albert Einstein's time, when he was learning to read?

I'm sure that then, they did not even know that Einstein had a reading problem, but he some how managed to make himself a genius. OR did Einstein learn by the world around him because he knew that reading was tough so he had to teach himself. Did Einstein go out and experiment, or just observe the world around him to gain his knowledge?

So do you think that or intelligence should reflect what we study in school for 12+ years or what we learn in everyday life? I for one believe that the only real knowledge we can survive on is what we learn about everyday. No matter if you can read or not, there will always be times when you are out in the world and learn something new. While school is still very important, I feel that we as a society need to give a little more thought from learning from the world around us and stop stressing over that trigonometry test that we have first block tomorrow.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Term Paper Artist In His Own Voice

When listening to On The Media's interview with the Term Paper Artist himself, Nick Mamatas, we certainly get a different point of view on the term paper business. We can actually hear the way Mamatas doesn't think to highly of his clients, just by the way he speaks. It wasn't just the "DUMB" clients either. This was all strictly business and with most businesses it's every man for himself. You will do whatever, as long as you get that money. Mamatas claims to even have sold people out to their professors if the client was rude to them.

I was totally wrong with my opinion of Mamatas from the first story we read. I believed before that he really just wanted to help the people because they were just stuck in a wrong class, or just simply didn't understand it. Now my opinion is that it was strictly business.

Also after reading this, I know that I personally wouldn't want to buy a term paper even if I was that desperate. You really are only cheating yourself. If you really don't understand the paper assignment, maybe you shouldn't be in that class.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Term Paper Artist

     In the article The Term Paper Artist by Nick Mamatas we learn about his career as a person who would write term papers for anyone who was willing to pay. Nick was a freelance writer and was looking for a job but was "told from an early age that such a dream was futile". This is when he found a job that was looking for people to write short pieces on various different topics.
    Writing term papers is "above-board and perfectly legal" because of the first amendment. When Nick would receive requests for different types of papers, it became clear that there was 3 different types of clients that needed papers written. "DUMB CLIENTS" are the students who really should of never been accepted into any college.The next are "one-timers" who are the people stuck in a class that is just completely opposite of what they are in school for. The final type of customers are "well-educated professionals who simply lack English-language skills". Nick describes these types of people as the ones who are foreign but need to bring their thoughts through in English.
     There were different perks to being a term paper author. The money wasn't exactly the best, but it was easy to come by. Also, writing the papers wasn't about actual research. Nick tells us that writing the papers is about knowing how long the paper needs to be and making the words fit the length. He also got many different laughs at the type of personal instructions he would receive from the customer.
    I feel that this type of writing it perfectly acceptable. These writers are employed for this specific reason. When they write the paper, they are not saying that the paper belongs to them and that the customer can only look at it. These papers are being paid for and paper belongs to the person buying it. For example, people who are wealthy have someone they have hired to do their hair. The persons hair is still on that persons head, but there is just someone else styling it for them. This is the same type of thing with the papers. The person is still handing it in for the grade, they just maybe didn't write it themselves.