Friday, March 25, 2011

waht dseo eradign realyl shwo??

Wtah wloud oyu do fi evyertinhg  uyo rdea looedk lkie this? Can you imagine being a young child learning how to read for the very first time, and not knowing what words are really supposed to look like? Millions of people are affected with Dyslexia and deal with it everyday. Dyslexia is a learning disability that can hinder a person’s ability to read, write, spell, and sometimes even speak.

Dyslexia can be caused by a brain injury or it could be hereditary. The problem is when the brain cannot translate images that are seen or heard into understandable language. The language that we speak every day is something that man has always had. Writing language down does not necessarily happen in every culture either. So many people could have this problem and still get along fine in their culture.

Dyslexia hasn’t stopped people from going far in life though. Did you know that some of the greatest thinkers, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison, were dyslexic? You also have the very handsome Orlando Bloom who also suffers from dyslexia. What about F. Scott Fitzgerald? He wrote The Great Gatsby even when he could hardly read any words. Now it makes you think about how these people got this far in life without being able to read, or just barely text.

Growing up in our society, an education is the most important and valuable thing. But what would you do if you could not read any of the projects, book, worksheets, or homework that you are given? Every person is determined to get the best grades they can but how can they do that without understanding words? We are lucky in our time that we have the technology and knowledge about this disability and are learning more and more on how to handle it. What did they do though, in Albert Einstein's time, when he was learning to read?

I'm sure that then, they did not even know that Einstein had a reading problem, but he some how managed to make himself a genius. OR did Einstein learn by the world around him because he knew that reading was tough so he had to teach himself. Did Einstein go out and experiment, or just observe the world around him to gain his knowledge?

So do you think that or intelligence should reflect what we study in school for 12+ years or what we learn in everyday life? I for one believe that the only real knowledge we can survive on is what we learn about everyday. No matter if you can read or not, there will always be times when you are out in the world and learn something new. While school is still very important, I feel that we as a society need to give a little more thought from learning from the world around us and stop stressing over that trigonometry test that we have first block tomorrow.


  1. gina, you make an excellent point when you say that our society needs to learn more from the world around us rather than reading and writing. while reading and writing is important, learning society is a much greater task. part of me always wonders what it would be like to have a disability like this and how frustrating it must be to learn to read, write, and speak. not having a disability likes this really makes me wonder about the people that do have a disability. how do they learn to straighten out the words and letters that they see? do teachers for the dyslexic really understand how a dyslexic thinks if they themselves aren't dyslexic. i must say i have some dyslexic episodes with numbers and phone numbers and its really frustrating when you read a phone number to someone and you see the way its written but you say the numbers out of order and think them out of order..if that makes any sense..

  2. Gina, I completely agree with you when you say that we need to learn about the world around us. WHen you named people who are affected with dislexia like Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Orlando Bloom it just proved to me that there are other methods in learning in order to succeed. Like you said, education is important in our society but obviously learning about the world around us is just as important.
